Professors:  Roger Blandford, Blas Cabrera, Steven Kahn, Peter Michelson, Vahé Petrosian, Roger W. Romani, Robert V. Wagoner
Professors at SLAC:  Roger Blandford, Elliott Bloom, Tsuneyoshi (Tune) Kamae, Steven Kahn
Associate Professors:  Tom Abel, Sarah Church
Assistant Professors:  Steven Allen, Stefan Funk, Chao-Lin Kuo, Risa Wechsler
Professor (Research):  Philip H. Scherrer
Professors (Emeriti):  Von R. Eshleman, Peter A. Sturrock, G. Leonard Tyler

NOTE:  links to specific research groups and projects are given below, including others working on astronomical research outside the Physics department

Although Stanford University does not have a degree program in Astronomy or Space Science, teaching and research in various branches of these disciplines is an ongoing activity in the Departments of Physics, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Applied Physics, and Electrical Engineering, as well as at the W.W. Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory (HEPL) and the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). Bridging the research efforts on the Stanford campus and at SLAC, as well as between theoretical and experimental physics communities, is the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC).

Course listings can be found in the Astronomy Program portion of the official Courses and Degrees publication (online in PDF format), with more detailed course descriptions detailed on the interdepartmental Center for Space Science and Astrophysics (CSSA) website.


NOTE: The calendar of upcoming events has been moved to the KIPAC Colloboration Events Page.

You can also be notified about astronomy talks and events by subscribing to an email list.
Annual Bunyan Lectures 2007-8 Bunyan Lectures Feb 6 Steve Squyres (Cornell)
Astronomy CSSA-KIPAC-SLAC (ACKS) Seminars
Astronomy Group - KIPAC gatherings (Teatime talks)
Astrophysics Talks in Northern California
GLAST Lunch Talks
GRB Journal Club
W.W. Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory (HEPL) Seminars
KIPAC Cosmology Talks
Meeting of Astrophysics Students at Stanford (MASS)
Physics/Applied Physics Departmental Colloquia
Radioscience Seminars
SLAC Today news and events (Experimental Seminars) (Theory Seminars) (IT & Tea Seminars)
Solar Physics Seminars
Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics (SITP) Seminars


Church Group
Observational cosmology:  Cosmic Microwave Background(CMB) anisotropies, CMB bolometry, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
Petrosian Group
Theoretical high-energy astrophysics:  solar and stellar flares, gamma-ray bursts, accretion disks
Cosmology:  gravitational lensing, evolution of galaxies
Romani Group
Theoretical and observational astrophysics:  neutron star physics, origin, evolution, and timing of radio pulsars, compact object physics
Cosmology:  structure formation, high redshift matter
Wagoner Group
Gravitational astrophysics:  accretion disks, gravitational radiation (theories and detection)
The Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC)
Focusing on recent developments in astrophysics, high-energy physics, and cosmology, a collaborative Institute between the Departments of Physics and Applied Physics and the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
Tom Abel
Primordial star formation, cosmological structure formation and reionization, astrophysical fluid dynamics and radiative transfer.
X-ray Astronomy and Observational Cosmology Group (Steve Allen)
Confronting cosmological models with observation; X-ray studies of galaxy clusters and active galactic nuclei; physics of intracluster plasmas and accretion
Astro-Gamma Group
High energy astrophysics at SLAC/KIPAC, including X-ray, hard X-ray, gamma-ray, and particle astrophysics. Broad expertise in observations, instrument development, and phenomenological model building.
SLAC Group K, Elliott Bloom
Particle astrophysics at SLAC, including timing data on black holes and neutron stars, gamma-ray burst data, X-ray timing and spectroscopy, as well as development of GLAST
Scherrer Group
Observational solar physics:  solar oscillations, helioseismology, magnetic fields
Sturrock Group
Solar theory:  solar neutrinos, solar cycle mechanism, coronal heating, via data analysis, numerical computation, and analytical theory
Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS)
Direct-detection search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) as cold dark matter. CDMS at Stanford takes place within the Cabrera Group.
The Gamma Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST)
Part of NASA's Office of Space and Science Strategic Plan; aims to understand the mechanisms of astrophysical particle acceleration, resolve the gamma-ray sky, determine behavior of gamma-ray bursts, and probe dark matter and the early Universe.
Gravity Probe B (GP-B)
Satellite gyroscope experiment to test Einstein's general theory of relativity by sensitively measuring the curvature of space-time and how space-time is dragged about a rotating massive body
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)
A proposed ground-based large-field telescope to continually image faint objects across the entire sky.
Space, Telecommunications, and Radio Science (STARLab)
Study and use of electromagnetic wave phenomena: planetary atmospheres, ionospheres, surfaces, and ring systems
The Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET)
Part of the Compton GRO Gamma-Ray Telescope, EGRET has made the first all-sky survey of the gamma-ray sky
Hobby-Eberly Telescope
At the McDonald Observatory in Texas; Stanford University is a member of the operating consortium. Local AO forms are available.
Stanford Student Observatory
Teaching observatory near the Stanford campus
Center for Space Science and Astrophysics


Astronomy Picture of the Day
Daily "pretty picture", with archives; each picture accompanied by a brief explanatory caption with useful and interesting reference links
Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures
Press releases and high-res JPG and PDF format pictures
Imagine the Universe
An excellent general-interest astronomy education site
Stanford Astronomical Society
Amateur astronomy club at Stanford; no physics or telescope required!
Stanford SOLAR Center
An accessible, public-interest educational site about the Sun, including its magnetic fields, its turbulent surface, and what happens deep in its interior
Upcoming Scientific Conferences
Thanks to Pat Nolan, a compilation of upcoming conferences (in particular, of interest to GLAST scientists, but also linking to a number of other lists of meetings).
Useful Research Links
A primer of useful resources for papers in astronomy & astrophysics, for undergraduates and new graduate students.


Prof. Vahé Petrosian                          Dana Volponi
Chair, Astronomy Program Administrative Associate
Varian Room 310 Varian Room 316
Stanford University Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4060 Stanford, CA 94305-4060
Phone: (650) 723-1435 Phone: (650) 723-1439
Fax: (650) 723-4840 Fax: (650) 723-4840

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Last updated 02 October, 2008

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