How do I turn a B+ into an A?
I need help writing a college-level essay.
I wish someone could help me with this Math 51 pset…
The Asian American Activities Center (A3C) Speaker Series presents
Making the Grade
Tutoring Resources at Stanford
WHEN: Thursday, October 18 from 12-1pm
WHERE: A3C Couchroom (Old Union Clubhouse, 2nd floor)
At a school like Stanford, some students believe that tutoring is only
for people who can’t “figure out” the problems for themselves. But that extra half
hour of help may just be the key to making things click—and turning that B+ into an
A. Come hear a panel of speakers, including a CS106A TA, a tutor from the Center for
Teaching and Learning (CTL) and the Director of the Hume Writing Center
explain how to best utilize the tutoring resources on campus.
Dr. Julia Bleakney, the Director of the Hume Writing Center & PWR Instructor
Emily Cheng ‘14, CS106A TA
Kevin Moy ‘14, CTL Math and Physics Tutor
Posted in News, Speaker Series on October 16th
Defining Success and Failures
Thursday, October 11
5:30PM - 6:30PM
Asian American Activities Center Couchroom
(2nd Floor of the Old Union Clubhouse)
Do I really belong at Stanford?
Am I doing the things I need in order to be successful?
Come get questions like these answered at our first iLive (formerly After Dark) event of the year!
Featuring Kathy Lee, PhD, CAPS Psychologist
Dinner will be provided.
Please RSVP by 11PM Sunday, October 7, 2012 at
Questions? Contact Vy Le at [email protected]
For more information about the A3C, please visit our website at

Posted in Events, iLive (Formerly After Dark) on October 10th
How do I ask my professor for a recommendation letter?
I’m not sure how to address my lecturer who’s not actually a professor…
What is the proper email etiquette in college?
The Asian American Activities Center (A3C) Speaker Series presents
Talking the Talk
Effective Communication in College
WHEN: Thursday, October 11 from 12-1pm
WHERE: A3C Couchroom (Old Union Clubhouse, 2nd floor)
Ever wonder how to address your professors, lecturers, or TAs? Not sure if
your email sounds professional, or if your words are making the biggest impact?
How do you ask your professor to write you a recommendation for that internship?
Join us for lunch on Thursday, October 11 to hear from Dr. Vivienne Fong,
the Research Programs Director at Undergraduate Advising and Research,
on how to communicate effectively with faculty, alumni, potential employers, and more.

Posted in Events, Speaker Series on October 10th
A Faculty and Staff Panel
WHEN: Thursday, October 4 from 12-1pm
WHERE: A3C Couchroom (Old Union Clubhouse, 2nd floor)
Join us for lunch on Thursday, October 4 to hear from faculty and staff about
how to access the vast resources at Stanford from public service fellowships to research grants
to make the most out of your Stanford career.
Our panelists include:
Professor Gordon Chang (History Faculty & Director of CEAS)
Laura Selznick (Academic Director of the Row)
Megan Fogarty (Director of Fellowships at the Haas Center)

Posted in News, Speaker Series on October 2nd
Come meet fellow students in the Asian American Graduate Community.
When: Wednesday, September 26 from 5-7PM.
Where: Oak West in Tresidder Memorial Union.

Posted in Grad Life, News on September 24th
A3C Speaker Series Presents:
When: Thursday, Sept. 27 from 12-1pm
Where: A3C Couchroom (Old Union Clubhouse, 2nd floor)
Join us for lunch on Thursday, September 27 for the first A3C Speaker Series panel of the year! Hear from fellow students about their experiences and how they navigated through their first year at Stanford.
Our panelists are Lara Abaya ‘15, Anh Truong ‘14, and Justin Lam ‘13.
You don’t want to miss this!
Posted in News, Speaker Series on September 21st
Welcome to the Class of 2016!
We hope the summer mailing from the Asian American Activities Center is getting you excited for Stanford! We are looking forward to meeting all of you (and your family, too!) at our various events during New Student Orientation that are designed to introduce you to our community and help you transition into college life. Please come to the events below and bring your family & new friends with you.
If you have any questions about the following events, please don’t hesitate to contact AANSOC at [email protected]. See you in September!

Tuesday, 9/18/2012
Asian American Community Welcome
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
White Plaza
New students and their families are encouraged to come to this informal welcome reception to learn about the Asian American community here on campus and meet leaders of student groups, faculty and staff. Student groups will provide entertainment and light refreshments will be served.
Wednesday, 9/19/20012
Okada Chillout
10:30 PM – 11:30 PM
Okada House Lounge, Wilbur Hall
Explore the Asian American Theme Dorm and mingle with your fellow new students and upperclassmen at this year’s AANSOC social mixer! *Sponsored by the Asian American New Student Orientation Committee.*
Friday, 9/21/2012
We Are Family
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Cubberley Auditorium
See what the Asian American community at Stanford is all about at the biggest and most anticipated Asian American orientation event. Enjoy performances and presentations from various student groups, including hip hop, vocal, and much more. Sign up to be a part of a sib family at this event and get “adopted” by big sibs.
Wednesday, 9/26/2012
Grad Dinner
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
A³C Ballroom, Old Union Clubhouse
New Graduate students and their families are encouraged to come to this dinner to learn about the Asian American community here on campus, the programs offered specifically for Graduate students, and mingle with other fellow new students. Food and beverages will be served.
Thursday, 9/27/2012
A³C Speaker Series: ”Finding Your Place” Student Panel
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Asian American Activities Center Couchroom, Old Union Clubhouse
Unsure about where you fit in at Stanford? Come to hear our panel speak about personalizing the Stanford experience to suit their personalities and identities.
Thursday, 9/27/2012
Asian American Sib Program Match-up!
8:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Toyon Lounge
FInd out who your big and little sibs are! Families will be matched up and have time to socialize while having refreshments.
Tuesday, 10/4/2012
A³C Speaker Series: “A Guide to Stanford Success”
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Asian American Activities Center Couchroom, Old Union Clubhouse
With so many resources here at Stanford, where do you even begin? Come hear from Stanford staff who will help you learn how to make the most out of your Stanford career.
Sunday, 10/14/2012
AANSOC Ice Cream Social
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Wilbur Field
Take a break from studying to chill with classmates and upperclassmen while enjoying ice cream, snacks, and music.
Tags: aansoc, asian american, class of 2016, new student orientation, nso
Posted in News on September 11th
A3C Speaker Series Presents:
When: Thursday, May 24th, 2012, NOON-1PM
Where: A3C Couchroom, 2nd Floor, Old Union Clubhouse
Service learning courses give students the opportunity to directly engage with and provide services for the community. Come listen as Professor David Palumbo-Liu talks about service learning and how his class “Asian American Culture and Community” examines the history, art, culture, and contemporary experiences of Vietnamese Americans.

Posted in News, Speaker Series on May 21st
A3C Speaker Series Presents:
Developing Your Network
When: May 10th, 2012, Noon - 1:00 PM
Where: Asian American Activities Center, 2nd Floor Old Union Clubhouse
One of the benefits of attending Stanford is that you are now part of a strong alumni network that you can utilize throughout your career. Jacqueline Ward, Career Counselor at the Career Development Center (CDC) will talk about the art of networking and provide strategies to get you started.

Posted in News, Speaker Series on May 8th
A3C Speaker Series Presents:
Programming Your Career: What Can You Do With A CS Major?
When: May 3rd, 2012, Noon - 1:00 PM
Where: Asian American Activities Center, 2nd Floor Old Union Clubhouse
The CS major can be applied to many fields, from medicine to business. How do you sort through your options and make a decision on what to do next? Come hear from Eric Roberts, Professor in the Department of Computer Science, as he discusses how to set priorities and decide what you want to do with your degree.
Posted in News on May 1st