[Photo: BCSC students]

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News and Announcements

Intellectual Roundtable featuring Prof. Rick BanksIs Marriage- Book Cover

Join us for an engaging conversation about race and black relationships with Prof. Richard Banks as he discusses his book, "Is Marriage for White People", this Friday.  Widely reviewed and often debated, the book will spark a dialogue that will begin promptly at 12 noon on Friday, October 14, 2011 but will continue long beyond the roundtable.  Refreshments will be served.

BCSC Advisory Board

Find out about the new members of the advisory board for the BCSC (pdf).

Welcome to the Black Community Services Center

Throughout this web site, the BCSC has attempted to give you an understanding of the many learning opportunities available to Stanford students. You will find information on our Black Volunteer Student Organizations, current events, long-standing Black institutions, the Black Faculty, Black administrators and friends of the Black community. The Black Experience at Stanford is a very diverse one. We provide a safe space for our students to learn about themselves and their culture, to challenge themselves to grow, and apply their many talents.

Whether you are a current student, prospective student, alum or visitor, we hope that you feel the energy and spirit of family in this web site. If you are ever on campus or near the house, please drop by and meet us. We would like to personally welcome you into "the family".