Instructors: Sachin Katti, Phil Levis

Lectures: Mon, Wed 11:00-12:15 PM, Buildg 240, Room 101

This course will cover the design and implementation of wireless networks and mobile systems. Course material will consist of a mix of current practice and advanced research. The topics include practical wireless communication systems, cellular and wireless mesh networks, cognitive spectrum access, and energy efficient mobile system design. The course will also discuss recent advances in wireless such as network coding, interference alignment and cancellation, and cross layer system design techniques. Finally, it will conclude with a brief overview of other related issues including future wireless network architecture and policy issues in spectrum allocation.


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This class will require a basic knowledge of wireless networks (basic ideas from ee284 or equivalent). We'll spend a lot of time reading papers on the topics in wireless networks. Some knowledge of wireless communication systems may give you additional advantage in understanding these papers.

Course Organization and Workload

The course consists of lectures, readings, and course project. The two most important things to know about the class:

  1. The course project is the most important component of the class and you are expected to submit a good research quality term paper (no survey papers).
  2. An important goal of the class is to have interesting in-class discussions. We will cover one or two papers for each class meeting assigned as readings.

We recommend you read each paper at least three times: twice very carefully, the last time focusing on the hard parts. You will be required to submit a short summary of the paper before the class. This class will be primarily discussion based. Active discussion will (hopefully) give you a non-trivial understanding of the material. The only way this approach can work is if you read the papers carefully. To encourage this, a fraction of your class grade (apart from the course project) will come from paper summaries (submitted before the class) and lecture scribes (submitted after the class). Class time will not be used to rehash the material in the papers. Instead, it will be used to highlight the important points and discuss some of the more interesting features. .

Grading Policy

Paper Summaries and Lecture Scribes

All students have to submit a summary of one of the two assigned readings in the form of email to [email protected]. More details can be found on summaries link.

After the class, students have to scribe a total of 1 or 2 lectures based on class strength. Lecture scribe must contain the important points discussed in class. The scribing assignments will be assigned, and must be completed 1 week from the lecture being scribed. A sample lecture scribes format will be given in advance. More details can be found on lectures link.

Contacting the Staff

Please address your questions and concerns to [email protected]. Announcements will be sent via the [email protected] mailing list to which any registered student will automatically be added. Please do not send emails to the class mailing list. The names of the teaching assistants and all our office hours are posted on the staff web page.