CS344E: Advanced Wireless Networks

Spring Quarter, 2011
TuTh 3:15-4:30
Instructor: Sachin Katti
  • Office hours: TBD, Packard 236
  • Instructor: Philip Levis
  • Office hours: TBD, Gates 358

  • Summary

    CS344E is an advanced wireless research class. The purpose of the course is to explore some of the major open problems in wireless networks today, focusing on ad-hoc networks such as wireless LANs and meshes rather than cellular networks. CS344E is a systems course: the research focus is on building and evaluating real-world systems. The course covers a small handful of topics deeply, rather provide than a broad survey. CS244E or an equivalent prior course is recommended but not required.


    Coursework is intended to give students experience in all of the major skills necessary for a successful research career. Each student has a a quarter-long research project, which can be in small groups. In addition to pursuing research, each week one student presents a recent paper to the class. Every student reads the paper before it is presented.

    Research projects last over the entire quarter. Students who took CS244E may continue their project from that class. Students who do not have an ongoing research project should talk with the instructors in the first week to discuss and decide on their project. There are four major milestones in the project:

    1. a short presentation to the class mid-quarter on the problem and approach,
    2. a 3-4 paper describing the problem and approach due mid-quarter,
    3. a short presentation to the class at the end of the quarter showing results
    4. a 6-10 page paper in conference proceedings format describing the project results.
    Students will join the professors in reading and reviewing assignment 2, focusing on constructive feedback to the authors.

    The class will meet once weekly, on Thursdays. In the class meeting, a student in the class presents that week's paper. The intention is that this presentation is not solely a factual presention of the paper, but also a student's interpretation and opinions of the work. For example, the presentation can consider prior and later work. The goal is that the presenting student reads the paper very deeply and places it in the context of the broader wireless research literature, and presents his or her own thoughts. Students who are not presenting also read the paper; class is an open discussion.

    The Tuesday class meeting is usually reserved for the presenting student to meet with the instructors, to go over the presentation and receive some feedback.

    Course grades will be split evenly between participation in class (presentation, discussion) and the final project.


    Date Paper Presenter Assignment Due
    3/29 Introduction Instructors None
    4/7 Wireless Link Estimation Levis Project
    4/14 Mesh capacity TBD
    4/21 Capture TBD
    4/28 Project presentations Everyone Interim report
    5/5 Bitrate adaptation TBD
    5/12 Multi-radio TBD
    5/19 Multi-radio TBD
    5/26 Full duplex TBD
    5/31 Final presentations Everyone
    6/2 No meeting Final report