Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use this application?

Which browsers are recommended?

Can I access Stanford Campus Searchable Map via mobile devices?

How can I expand the map area?

How do I search for a location by an address, name or ID?

How do I get directions to a building?

What do I do if I cannot find what I am looking for?

What if a picture is not displayed for my building?

How can I get access to pedestrian zone?

Can I embed the map on my website to highlight my building?

Who maintains this information?

Who developed the Searchable Campusmap Application?

Who do I contact if I want to provide feedback or to report some discrepancies?

How do I use this application?

You can search by building name, address, facility ID and department name. Enter the search criteria in the box and click on Search. Results will be displayed to the left of the map. Click on the name of the building you are searching for, and the map will zoom in and a marker will be placed on top the building.

Navigation (Google Map)
The navigation controls you see at Searchable Campus Map are shown on the left.

1. Arrows - Click the appropriate arrow buttons to move the view North, South, East or West.

2. Street View - Click to view street-level imagery.

3. Palm Tool - Use this tool to pan the map around.

4. Street View - Drag the yellow man on the map's zoom controls to a location on the map to view and navigate street-level imagery.

5. Zoom - Click (+) to zoom in on the center of the map. Click (-) to zoom out.

6. Zoom Slider - Drag the zoom slider up or down to zoom in or out incrementally.


Which browsers are recommended?

Internet Explorer 7 and above

Firefox 3 and above (Windows/Mac)

Safari (Mac)

Chrome (Windows/Mac)


Can I access Stanford Campus Searchable Map via mobile devices?

Please visit http://mobile.stanford.edu/ .


How can I expand the map area?

You can expand the map window to display more area. Simply click "Hide Search Results" on the toolbar, the map window will be expanded.


How do I search for a location by an address, name or ID?

Type in the building name, address, aliases or ID (Partial entries are accepted) you are looking for in the text box. Click Search. All buildings that match the search criteria will be displayed to the left of the map. Select the building you are looking for by clicking on the link, and the map will zoom in and a marker will be placed on top the building.

Auto-completion of Search Entries: When users type in the search box, the Auto-Complete feature offers suggestions for the search entries. The feature currently includes building name, building ID, aliases and departments.

In the Search Results panel, selected building will be displayed along with hyperlinks. Clicking on a hyperlink will show a marker indicating the exact location of the building on the map. By clicking the marker on the map, building picture and building address will be displayed in the map info window.


How do I get directions to a building?

Users will be able to get driving, biking and walking directions on the “Directions” tab to the selected building. This feature uses Google’s “get directions” gadget. Directions using public transit are also available from Google’s transit module. The “Directions” feature automatically populates the current selected building in box “B” (the “To address“). To generate directions, the user is required to provide the starting location (this can be an address or zip code) in box “A”. The returned results include turn-by-turn directions and a highlighted direction route on the map.


What do I do if I cannot find what I am looking for?

First, try narrowing your search. Instead of searching for Tresidder Union, try Tresidder. The full name is actually Tresidder Memorial Union which is why it is not found.
Or try Admission instead of Admissions for the department search.

If you are still having trouble, please contact HelpSU.


What if a picture is not displayed for my building?

Updating pictures for the buildings is an ongoing undertaking by Maps and Records. If you would like to submit a photograph (jpg format) for your building, please file a HelpSU.


How I can get access to pedestrian zone?

Please contact Parking and Transportation Services.


Can I embed the map on my website to highlight my building?

Yes. You can do so by adding your Building ID as a variable at the end of the URL string : http://campusmap.stanford.edu/index.cfm?ID=(Building ID) ( Example: http://campusmap.stanford.edu/index.cfm?ID=04-520). Your building ID is listed next to the name in information popup for your building. For further questions or help, just contact HelpSU.


Who maintains this information?

campusmap.stanford.edu is developed and maintained by Land, Buildings and Real Estate (LBRE). Department information is updated nightly and reflects information in iSpace, the system of record for space. The basemap, road networks are maintained by Google Map.


Who developed the Searchable Campusmap Application?

The Stanford Searchable Campusmap is a Google mashup developed in-house by the Department of Technology in LBRE (Land, Buildings and Real Estate). Design collaboration and guidance is provided by the Office of University Communications. Several of the building images are contributed by Dan Schwartz '13.


Who do I contact if I want to provide feedback or report some discrepancies?

Please file a HelpSU.