When the Poles throw a party – they don’t settle for half-measures. And what better occasion than the Czesław Miłosz centenary? This is easily the most lavish, labor-intensive, high-class shindig of its kind I’ve ever attended.
We’re not just talking about the obvious: swag bags with books and DVDs; Miłosz pencils, pens, and t-shirts; Miłosz’s signature on the dinner napkins, and just about everywhere else. It’s not only the stunning setting at Jagiellonian University, one of the oldest universities in Europe.
Everyone is here: Derek Walcott, Bei Dao, Thomas Venclova, Adonis, Natalia Gorbanevskaya, and Adam Michnik are among the luminaries – but only among. There are many more.
Though the Book Haven has been relatively silent lately, obviously I have not been idly eating bonbons. Or at least, not only. This conference at the university’s Collegium Novum and the “Miłosz Pavilion” has pretty much been running me ragged – and the Milosz365 festival continues into the weekend and next week.
And organizers Jerzy Illg, publisher of Znak, and Aleksander Fiut, Miłosz scholar, have bags under their eyes … Well, they’re not the only ones.
Consider this a down payment. More later.
Postscript on 5/14: Walcott’s a no-show, nobody knows why, though a pleasant, vague letter was read by Jerzy Illg at one of the events. I understand this is not the first time Walcott has bailed.
Tags: Adam Michnik, Adonis, Bei Dao, Derek Walcott, Natalia Gorbanevskaya, Thomas Venclova
May 10th, 2011 at 9:17 pm
[...] “When the Poles throw a party–they don’t settle for half-measures,” says Cynthia Haven, who’s celebrating the Czesław Miłosz centenary in Krakow. [...]