The Healthy Body Image Program is a university-wide healthy eating and body image enhancement program for students that includes online eating disorder screening, online self-help prevention programs, and a variety of in-person outreach activities.


How is your eating and body image?

Take our confidential screen for a quick eating and body image check-up. You will get feedback about your Eating Disorder risk and information about relevant resources.


Want to learn how to adopt or maintain healthy nutrition and exercise habits? Would you like to feel better about your body image?

Participate in one of our online programs: StayingFit and StudentBodies!


Planning a training or outreach presentation?

Contact us to schedule a training or outreach presentation about body image, healthy eating, and eating disorders for your student or staff group.



Do you need help for an eating disorder?

Don’t wait! Talk to a professional today by contacting Counseling and Psychological Services, Vaden, or the Eating Disorders Program.


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