As biology and medical science enter the 21st century, the importance of computational methods continues to increase dramatically. These methods span the analysis of biomedical data, the construction of computational models for biological systems, and the construction of computer systems that help biologists and physicians create and administer treatments to patients.

The Biomedical Computation major prepares students to work at the cutting edge of this interface between computer science, biology, and medicine. Students begin their journey by gaining a solid fundamental understanding of the underlying biological and computational disciplines. They learn techniques in informatics and simulation and their countless applications in understanding and analyzing biology at all levels, from individual molecules in cells to entire organs, organisms, and populations. Students then focus their efforts on a depth area of their choice, and participate in a substantial research project with a Stanford faculty member.

Upon graduation, students are prepared to enter a wide range of cutting-edge fields, in both academia and industry.

Last updated . Copyright Stanford University, 2002-2008.