Program Overview – Students

Step 1: Assess Your Wellness – Complete an online confidential health risk appraisal called the Student Health Appraisal (SHA) and receive a Jamba Juice gift card as a wellness reward. Completing this appraisal will allow you to identify current healthy lifestyle behaviors and areas for future improvement.  Rewards can be picked up at the BeWell Office in Burnham Pavilion.

Step 2: Plan for Success – Complete the online Personal Wellness Plan using the information you gained from taking the Student Health Appraisal. This wellness plan will guide you in the development of your goals for life-long wellness. Completing your Wellness Plan makes you eligible for the wellness activities (and rewards) in Step 3.

Step 3: Take Action! – Receive credit for completing 9 of the 12 Wellness Trip activities to be eligible for the Step 3 rewards and recognition of completion of the Wellness Passport Program.

  • Wellness and Health Promotion Talks – Attend any presentation given by health promotion personnel from Vaden Health Center. Attendance at just one of these events satisfies the requirement for a Wellness Trip.
  • Unwind Presentation – Attend any presentation featuring topics based on emotional health, happiness, sleep, meditation, balance, etc. Attendance at just one of these presentations satisfies the requirement for a Wellness Trip.
  • Intramural Participation – Any student who is an active member of any Stanford Intramural Sports team will be awarded Wellness Trip credit. Students will get credit for this activity by attending and participating in a minimum of 75% of games per sport. Participation on one team (per academic year) satisfies the requirement for a Wellness Trip.
  • Wear a Helmet – If you have committed to wearing a helmet whenever you are riding a bike, a skateboard, a moped or any other non-motorized vehicle on campus, and you obey the rules of the road at all times, you will earn a Wellness Trip credit.
  • Campus Police Ride-Along – Sign up for the next available Ride-Along Night with Stanford Campus Police and get credit for this Wellness Trip. You will get the chance to see firsthand what the Campus Police respond to on a typical night at Stanford. Only one ride-along is necessary to satisfy the Wellness Trip requirement (limited space available, must schedule minimum of two weeks in advance). Please contact the BeWell Office to sign up for this Wellness Trip at [email protected] or 650-721-2984.
  • Club Sports Participation – Any student who is an active member of a Stanford Club Sport team will be awarded Wellness Trip credit. Participation on one team (per academic year) will satisfy the requirement for a Wellness Trip.
  • Volunteer Work – Any amount of volunteer work completed during the year — including work done through the Haas Center, in your community, or through active dedication to any registered campus health groups (i.e., PHEs, HIV group, etc.) — will earn you credit for this Wellness Trip.
  • Varsity Athletics Participation – Any student who is an active member of a Stanford Varsity athletic team will be awarded Wellness Trip credit. Participation on one team (per academic year) will satisfy the requirement for a Wellness Trip.
  • Annual Physical Exam with Your Health Care Professional (self-report date of exam) – Regular well visits to your doctor are important to staying healthy. You must visit your physician for an annual exam/well-visit this calendar year in order to get credit for this activity. Credit is given for this activity when you supply the date of the exam.
  • Wellness Advocate – Wellness Advocates are Stanford students dedicated to helping people in their community achieve better health and well-being. Wellness Advocates raise awareness of positive health habits with fellow students, family and/or friends through conversation, sharing of tips and tricks to eat better, getting active, juggling multiple responsibilities or exploring ways to unwind. You can also be a Wellness Advocate by living a healthy lifestyle yourself and role-modeling healthy behaviors for those around you. If you are helping others work toward improving their health and/or lifestyle, you are a Wellness Advocate. Share your successes with us to get credit for this activity.
  • PE/Rec Group Fitness Class – You will receive Wellness Trip credit for any group fitness class that you sign up for and actively attend through the Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation (all attendance and registration will be checked). Classes are diverse in terms of type and intensity in order to accommodate the needs of the Stanford community. Classes are offered at a variety of times, and students may take more than one class. Only one class is needed to satisfy the requirement for the Wellness Trip.
  • Well-Rounded Lifestyle Behavior – You can get credit by telling us about any activity that fosters greater insight into your total personal wellness or a lifestyle change to which you have committed. Just write down a few short sentences about your experience and what you gained through this decision.