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Most courses in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures are taught by tenure-line faculty, and are small in size, so that students receive individual attention. The department’s courses have the subject codes CHINGEN, CHINLIT, JAPANGEN, and JAPANLIT. General courses are open to all undergraduates and graduate students, are taught in English, and do not require knowledge of an East Asian language. ›› More
The B.A. in Asian languages is a degree for the "new humanist" who wants her or his education to be broad enough to understand a non-Western language and culture. Students have found that the language skills acquired can be advantageous to their professional careers and have combined studies in Asian Languages with offerings in other Stanford departments. ›› More
The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures hosts and sponsors various workshops, seminars, lectures, and cultural events throughout the academic year to engage research, teaching, and general interests in East Asia among the Stanford community. Ongoing events include monthly-held East Asian Studies Workshop Series and the Chinese Linguistics Workshop Series. ›› More
STANFORD UNIVERSITY EAST ASIAN LANGUAGES AND CULTURES | 521 Memorial Way, Knight Bldg., Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2000 I site by AKA