The Stanford University Archives has recently announced the Stanford Alumni Legacy Project, which focuses on collecting, preserving, and providing long-term access to student materials created by Stanford alumni during their time on the farm. The Archives is particularly interested in student scrapbooks, photographs, audio and video recordings, posters, flyers, records of student organizations, and more.
You can donate your materials to the Archives or lend them for selective scanning. The Archives will also accept digital content, which will be preserved in the Stanford Digital Repository and made available online. All donations and scans of materials will be preserved and made available for teaching, learning and research. To help guide alumni, the Archives has created a handy list of materials they typically collect.
Please select one of the options below to start the process of sharing your materials with the Archives:
Questions? Contact the Archives at [email protected].
The Stanford Alumni Legacy Project is funded in part by Stanford Associates.
What a fantastic weekend! Between the Stanford family photographs, the variety of student life materials we collected, and the wonderful conversations we had with alumni regarding their own materials, we consider Reunion Weekend a real success.
The weekend was a step along the path to building out the Stanford Alumni Legacy Project, which focuses on collecting, preserving, and providing long-term access to materials created by Stanford alumni during their time on the Farm. The Archives is particularly interested in student scrapbooks, photographs, audio and video recordings, posters, flyers, records of student organizations, and more. Additional information about the types of materials we collect can be found here.
Donated materials will be preserved and made available for teaching, learning and research. The Archives will also accept digital content, which will be preserved in the Stanford Digital Repository and made available online.
If you are interested in donating your Stanford student materials to the University Archives, lending them for scanning, or if you have any questions about the Stanford Alumni Legacy Project, please contact Assistant University Archivist Josh Schneider.
The Archives is planning a wide range of activities around Reunion Weekend this year. Bring your Stanford historical materials to our table in the Ford Center to donate them or have them scanned before your very eyes! Take photographs with the Stanford Family! Or join one of the tours of our recently opened exhibit: Social Justice at Stanford, a companion exhibit to the wonderful Movements for Change: Bob Fitch Photographs exhibit.
The University Archives, with funding from Stanford Associates and in partnership with the Stanford Alumni Association, has recently announced the Stanford Alumni Legacy Project, which focuses on collecting, preserving, and providing long-term access to materials created by Stanford alumni during their time on the farm. The Archives is particularly interested in student scrapbooks, photographs, audio and video recordings, posters, flyers, records of student organizations, and more.
Donated materials will be preserved and made available for teaching, learning and research. The Archives will also accept digital content, which will be preserved in the Stanford Digital Repository and made available online.
There are many ways to donate materials to the University Archives. This year, for the first time, the University Archives will be accepting donations of student materials at a booth in the Ford Center during Reunion Weekend. The Archives will also be scanning select items that donors wish to retain. Please check the Reunion Weekend program and schedule for additional information. To help guide alumni the Archives has created a handy list of materials they are interested in. If you can’t make it to Reunion Weekend, or won’t be able to bring in items, you can still donate materials to the Archives by contacting them at [email protected].
We hope you will join your fellow alumni in donating your historical materials to the Archives! For any other questions about the Stanford Alumni Legacy Project, please contact Josh Schneider, Assistant University Archivist, at [email protected].