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Private Sector Participation in Public Education Panel Event

Event Details

  • Date/Time: Thu, January 17, 2013
    07:30AM - 09:00AM
    Venue: The Cornell Club
    Location: 6 East 44th Street, New York NY 10017 | Map address
    Registration Period: 09/14/2012-01/16/2013
    Price: $25 per person
    GSB Alumni Relations Office

GSB and Stanford alumni and their guests and Cornell Johnson School alumni are invited to join an education panel eventJoin Stanford GSB alumnus Joseph Reich, MBA '60, as he discusses his book, Getting to Bartlett Street, and his 25 years in education reform. He will be joined by a panel of education practitioners and philanthropists to discuss the role of private sector support in public education.

The panel will be moderated by Joseph's daughter Janet Reich Elsbach, AB '89. The panelists include:

Charles Best, Founder and CEO,
Kristen Kane, MBA '04, Chief Operating Officer, Amplify, Inc.
Spencer Robertson, MBA '05, Founder, PAVE Academy Charter School

Registration is required by Wednesday, January 16.


Event Links

Event 10319