Welcome to the AAA lab website. Software downloads are not yet available, but there is plenty of information!

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Kristen Blair's educational iPad game Critter Corral is now available in the iTunes store!

Ugochi Acholonu became a Postdoctoral Scholar in the College of Computing at Depaul University.

Lindsay Oishi became the Product Owner of Progress & Measurement at Global English (Pearson).

Jessica Tsang became the Director of Curriculum and Research at Kidaptive, Inc.

Dylan Arena became the Co-founder and Chief Learning Officer of Kidaptive, Inc.

Cathy Chase became a Postdoctoral Fellow in Human-Computer Interaction and Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University.

AAALab is part of a NSF-funded Science of Learning Center called LIFE.

Current and forthcoming publications from the AAALab:

Website designed by Neil Seth Levine