CourseWare User Test

Thank you for your interest in CourseWare and taking the time to participate in our user study.

During the last quarters of your studies at Stanford University, you have used the system to exchange information about lectures, talks and seminars. The CourseWare developers at the Computer Science Department want to improve your experience with the system and find out about your likes and dislikes, as well as problems when interacting with CourseWare.

Your feedback is vital to the development process. Let your voice be heard.
We would appreciate you taking the time to complete the following tasks using the CourseWare system, followed by a short online survey. In total, it should take about twenty to thirty minutes of your time.

Please use the navigation on the left side to go through the different steps. STEP 1 will let you know the tasks we would like you to solve with the help of the system, STEP 2 is the link to CourseWare, and STEP 3 is the survey you are supposed to fill out after going through your tasks.

We would highly appreciate you sharing your screen with us over Skype. You can make an appointment with Conny, just write her a message. We will record the video, and analyze your actions. The video recordings, as well as your survey responses are voluntary and strictly confidential. Videos and responses will not be identified by individual, and will not be published.

By taking part in this research study, you will be entered into a drawing for Amazon vouchers (three gift cards worth $25 each for everybody who shares his/her screen over Skype during CourseWare interaction, three gift cards worth $10 each for everybody else).

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Conny Liegl, Usability Expert of the CourseWare Team at (650) 723 4532 or [email protected].

Thank you for your help!
Conny Liegl and Sherif Halawa
CourseWare Team

We have another competition, and we would love your input, too. CourseWare needs a new name, and we are looking forward to your suggestions. You will win a surprise should your suggested name be chosen! Please click here for more information.