Some of My Papers


On Singularity


Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign!


How to be a Relativist  (abridged version forthcoming in Italian translation)


How to be a Relativist (expanded english language version)


Pragmatics of the Naming (rtf)

Pragmatics of the Naming (pdf)


De Re and De Dicto (pdf)


The Illusion of Opacity (rtf)

The illusion of opacity (pdf)


What's in a Name? (pdf)


Singular Beliefs and their Ascriptions (pdf)


Toward a Naturalistic Theory of Rational Intentionality (pdf)


Without the Net of Providence (final version) (pdf)


Where Norms Come From  (pdf of power point presentation of work in progress)


A Little Sensitivity Goes A Long Way (pdf) (final version)