1. Economic policy
should aim to increase economic stability and economic growth.
2. Official finance
should support good economic policy with strong ownership. It cannot substitute
for bad economic policy.
3. Raising productivity
growth is essential for reducing poverty. This requires economic freedom that
eliminates impediments to efficient allocation of capital and labor and to the
spread of technology.
4. The private
sector�not the government�is the engine of economic growth.
5. The international
financial system works better when official lending decisions and sovereign
debt restructuring processes are predictable. This encourages more efficient
movement of capital and a lower cost of capital.
6. Contagion is not
automatic.� It can be contained by good
policy, by the dissemination of information, and greater predictability in the
international financial system.
7. Loans should not be
made when there is a high probability that they will be forgiven.� Assistance for the poorest countries should
be in the form of grants, not loans.
8. Development
assistance must produce measurable results.�
All donors should set clear goals and guidelines. Success should be
measured by whether these goals are timelines are met, not by the volume of
9. Monetary policy
should focus on price stability. Sound exchange rate policies support this
objective, prevent crises, and allow adjustment throughout the global financial
10. Tax systems with
broad bases, efficient administration, and low marginal tax rates are best to
encourage both growth and sustainable public finances.
�*A gift to John B. Taylor from
the staff of International Affairs at the U.S. Treasury, April 2005