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Institutions as Cognitive Media between Strategic Interactions and Individual Behavior

Between Game Theory and Institutional Studies: Dual-Dualities of the Institutional Process

Understanding Douglass North in Game-theoretic Language

Understanding an Emergent Diversity of Corporate Governance and Organizational Architecture: An Essentiality-based Approach

jointly with Gregory Jackson

'Individual' Social Capital, 'Social' Networks, and their Linkages to Economic Games

"Whither Japan's Corporate Governance?"

Book Review of Understanding and Interpreting Chinese Economic Reform [当代中国经济改革] By Professor Wu Jinglian [吴敬琏]

Endogenizing Institutions and Institutional Change

An Organizational Architecture of T-form: Silicon Valley Clustering and its Institutional Coherence
In honor of Professor Oliver Williamson, Industrial and Corporate Change, 13(2004), pp.967-81.


Controlling Insider Control: Issues of Corporate Governance in Transitional Economies
in M.Aoki and H-K. Kim (eds.), Corporate Governance in Transitional Economies: Insider Control and the Role of Banks, EDI Developmental Studies, the World Bank, 1995 (Out of print).


